Web Developer Firefox History
Version 3.0.1
June 19th, 2024-
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Color Picker' did not work
- 'Display Element Information' did not work
- 'Display Line Guides' did not work
- 'Display Ruler' did not work
- Some features did not badge the extension icon when active
Version 3.0
June 1st, 2024-
Added the features:
- Clear Cache
- View Source
- Added support for different overlay icons
- Updated design
- Updated to support manifest V3
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Hidden Elements' did not always show hidden elements
- 'Populate Form Fields' did not work with single digit hours or minutes
- 'Validate Local CSS' did not work
- 'Validate Local HTML' did not work
- 'View Form Information' repeated element IDs
- Various minor code fixes
The version number jumped to 3.0 as this is a major rewrite of the extension and to align the version number across all the browsers that Web Developer is available for.
Version 2.0.5
January 12th, 2020-
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Color Picker' did not work
- 'Display Line Guides' did not work
- 'Display Ruler' did not work
- 'Show Element Tag Names' did not work
Version 2.0.4
December 17th, 2019- Hopefully fixed the extension settings being accidentally wiped
Version 2.0.3
December 17th, 2019-
Fixed issues:
- Custom resize window features did not work
Version 2.0.2
December 16th, 2019-
Fixed issues:
- 'View Response Headers' did not work on some sites
- Delete did not work in 'View Cookie Information'
- Features that open in a new tab did not work consistently
- The extension settings can be deleted when clearing the browser cache
- Various minor code fixes
Version 2.0.1
November 15, 2017-
Fixed issues:
- The extension opened a new tab every time that Firefox started
Version 2.0
November 11, 2017This is a complete rewrite of the extension using the new extension framework in Firefox 57+.
Version 1.2.13
April 4, 2017-
Fixed issues:
- 'Edit CSS' did not display stylesheet names correctly
Version 1.2.12
Feburary 17, 2017-
Added the features:
- Remove Form Validation
Fixed issues:
- 'Browser Console' did not work in Seamonkey
- 'Display Element Information' did not work in Firefox 51+
Version 1.2.11
August 17, 2016-
Fixed issues:
- Deleting cookies did not work
Version 1.2.10
August 2, 2016-
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Style Information' did not work
- 'Validate Local HTML' did not work
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.2.9
July 26, 2016-
Added localizations:
- Portuguese (Brazilian) (Português (do Brasil))
Fixed issues:
- 'Clear Cache' did not work correctly
- 'Disable Individual Style Sheet' could truncate long style sheet URLs
- 'Disable Page Colors' did not work
- 'Display Page Validation' did not work
- 'Display Print Styles' did not work correctly
- 'Display Style Information' did not display style sheet URLs correctly
- 'Edit CSS' with syntax highlighting did not let you type after clicking in the page
- 'Find Broken Images' did not work
- 'Hide Background Images' did not work on generated content
- 'Hide Images' did not work on generated content
- 'Toggle Visited Links' did not work
- 'Validate Local HTML' did not work
- 'Validate Section 508' did not work
- 'Validate WAI' did not work
- 'View Document Size' did not work with imported style sheets
- 'View Generated Source' did not work
- 'View Source With' did not work
- Deleting cookies did not work
- Sites with many JavaScript errors and warnings could cause the browser to slow down
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.2.5
April 29, 2013-
Added localizations:
- Czech (Čeština)
Fixed issues:
- 'Find Broken Images' did not work
- 'View Color Information' did not work
- 'View Form Information' did not work
- 'View Link Information' did not work
- 'View Meta Tag Information' did not work
- Localization errors made the toolbar disappear
- The toolbar icon was too large on Windows
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.2.4
April 13, 2013-
Added localizations:
- German (Deutsch)
- Japanese (日本語)
- Added support for retina displays
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Image Dimensions' did not work
- 'Display Page Validation' did not work in Firefox 18+
- 'Edit CSS' applied some print styles
- 'Validate Local CSS' did not work in Firefox 18+
- 'Validate Local CSS' did not work with only embedded style sheets
- 'Validate Local HTML' did not work in Firefox 18+
- 'View Document Size' did not show the correct size for compressed files in Firefox 18+
- 'View Responsive Layouts' sizes were affected by scrollbars
- 'View Source With' did not work in Firefox 18+
- Deselecting a session cookie did not allow an expires date to be entered
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.2.2
August 29, 2012-
Added localizations:
- French (Français)
- Polish (Polski)
- Swedish (Svenska)
- Added support for turning off the element descriptions when outlining elements
Fixed issues:
- 'Check For Newer Version Of Page' did not work
- 'Disable Meta Redirects' did not work
- 'Disable Referrers' did not work
- 'Display Alt Attributes' did not work
- 'Display Style Information' did not display the style sheet that the CSS is from
- 'Display Title Attributes' did not work
- 'Edit CSS' changed the CSS in all windows
- 'Edit CSS' covered up the end of the CSS with a scrollbar
- 'Edit CSS' did not work on pages with print style sheets
- 'Edit CSS' scrolled back to the top of the page on every edit
- 'Edit HTML' did not reload the HTML correctly when the dashboard position was changed
- 'Outline Custom Elements...' did not work
- 'Replace Images With Alt Attributes' added a background color
- 'View Cookie Information' did not find cookies on www domains and sub-domains correctly
- 'View Responsive Layouts' could not have a keyboard shortcut associated with it
- Adding a new option in a dialog did not work on Windows
- Choosing an application to add to the 'Tools' menu did not work
- Editing a cookie did not work
- Non-syntax highlighing was word wrapping
- The open, pin and reset buttons did not work in 'Edit CSS'
- The toolbar icons could not be seen on dark themes
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.2.1
August 10, 2012-
Fixed issues:
- 'Outline External Links' did not work
- Memory leaks caused by zombie compartments
- Optimized the code
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.2
June 25, 2012-
Added the features:
- Check/Uncheck All Checkboxes
- Check For Newer Version Of Page
- Clear Form Fields
- Convert Text Inputs To Textareas
- Disable DNS Cache
- Display ARIA Roles
- Expand Select Elements
- Find Duplicate Ids
- Outline Form Fields Without Labels
- Outline Non-Secure Elements
- Reload Images
- Reload Linked Style Sheets
- View Responsive Layouts
- Added a new theme on OS X
- Added larger draggable areas to the 'Display Line Guides' feature
- Added support for HttpOnly cookies to the 'View Cookie Information' feature
- Added support for selecting the proxy type in the 'Disable Proxy' feature
- Added support for the 'autocomplete' attribute to the 'Display Form Details' feature
- Added support for zip codes to the 'Populate Form Fields' feature
Improved the 'View JavaScript feature':
- Added support for a JavaScript beautifier
- Added support for displaying line numbers
- Improved the design of the output of the features
Improved the keyboard shortcut features:
- Added more keyboard shortcuts
- Keyboard shortcut modifiers can be configured
- Keyboard shortcuts can be disabled
- Improved the toolbar button
- Simplified the options
Fixed issues:
- 'Add Cookie' did not work with wildcard cookies in Firefox 4
- 'Clear Cache' did not clear the offline cache
- 'Delete Domain Cookies' did not delete session cookies
- 'Delete Path Cookies' did not work
- 'Display Alt Attributes' did not work with image submit buttons
- 'Display Block Size' and 'Display Image Dimensions' did not update when the browser was resized
- 'Display Element Information' could display the incorrect positioning for an element
- 'Display Element Information' could not access all elements on the page
- 'Display Element Information' did not scroll with the viewport
- 'Display Style Information' could not access all elements on the page
- 'Display Style Information' could stop working when viewing CSS in the dashboard
- 'Display Style Information' did not show inline styles
- 'Edit CSS' and 'Edit HTML' search features did not always work
- 'Outline External Links' did not work with secure links
- 'Populate Form Fields' did not respect the maxlength attribute of a form element
- 'Populate Form Fields' did not work with form fields without a name attribute
- 'View Cookie Information' could match incorrect domains
- 'View Document Size' did not include background images
- 'View Form Information' did not show values for select elements
- 'View Image Information' did not show background images
- 'View Source With' no longer worked
- Adding and editing cookies did not work if external site cookies were disabled
- Features did not persist correctly when a page in another tab loaded in the background
- Image features did not support list item images
- JavaScript on pages generated by the extension did not work with the NoScript extension installed
- Modifying a cookie value deleted the cookie in Firefox 4
- Moving selectable elements also selected text
- Opening the page in another application did not work with Mac applications
- Pages generated by the extension did not appear in the browser history
- Temporary files used for local validation were not always cleaned up
- The 'Keys' page in the options did not always display correctly
- The element information toolbar did not show and hide correctly when opening a new tab
Removed features:
- 'Java Console' as it no longer worked
- 'Outline Current Element' as 'Display Element Information' provides the same functionality
- 'Outline Links With Ping Attributes' as 'Outline Custom Elements' provides the same functionality
- 'Outline Links Without Title Attributes' as 'Outline Custom Elements' provides the same functionality
- 'Show Comments' as it no longer worked
- 'Show Window Chrome' as it no longer worked
- 'Small Screen Rendering' as it no longer worked
- 'Zoom In/Out' as the browser now has this functionality built-in
- Merged the Chrome and Firefox code bases
- Optimized the code
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.1.9
January 5, 2011- Added support for Firefox 4
- Set the 'Expires' value one day into the future by default for the 'Add Cookie' feature
Fixed issues:
- 'Outline Images With Adjusted Dimensons' did not work with sizes with units specified
- 'Show Hidden Elements' did not show hidden form elements
- 'View Style Information' was vulnerable to a cross site scripting attack
- Z-index used for features which added elements to the page needed to be increased
Version 1.1.8
June 30, 2009- Combined the Firefox and Seamonkey versions of the extension
Fixed issues:
- 'View Generated Source' did not work
Version 1.1.7
June 29, 2009- Added support for Firefox 3.5
Version 1.1.6
May 19, 2008- Added an identifier attribute to generated pages
- Added support for Firefox 3 builds newer than Beta 5
Fixed issues:
- 'Clear All Private Data' did not work
- 'Display Anchors' linked to the wrong URL when a base HREF is set
- 'View Document Outline' did not support images in headings
- Keyboard shortcuts did not toggle features correctly
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.1.5
March 16, 2008- Added support for Firefox 3
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Element Information' and 'View Style Information' could change the page when clicking
- 'Display Form Details' did not disable correctly on XHTML pages
- Icons did not display in the customize toolbar dialog
- Removed 'Validate Local Accessibility' as it no longer worked
- Optimized the code
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.1.4
May 10, 2007-
Fixed issues:
- 'Add Cookie' did not work
- 'Edit Cookie' did not work in non-English locales
- 'Outline Tables' stayed checked when the page refreshed
Version 1.1.3
January 31, 2007-
Fixed issues:
- 'Disable Meta Redirects' did not work with multiple tabs
- The element information toolbar did not show and hide correctly
Version 1.1.2
January 19, 2007-
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Line Guides' and 'Display Ruler' did not enable and disable correctly when switching tabs
- 'Edit CSS' lost all styles when the page was refreshed
- 'Remove Maximum Lengths' did not work
- Color information was not output correctly
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.1.1
January 12, 2007-
Fixed issues:
- 'Edit CSS' and 'View CSS' did not support some compressed content
- Certain features did not enable and disable correctly
- Resizing the dashboard could break the browser layout
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.1
January 8, 2007-
Added the features:
- Disable Proxy
- Disable Strict JavaScript Warnings
- Display Abbreviations
- Display Page Magnifier
- Display Page Validation
- Outline Images With Oversized Dimensions
- Outline Links With Ping Attributes
- Outline Table Captions
- Validate Local Accessibility
- Added a status icon that indicates whether there are CSS errors on the page
- Added close buttons to all the extension toolbars
- Added support for displaying the compressed and uncompressed file sizes in 'View Document Size'
- Added support for entering the ruler dimensions for the 'Display Ruler' feature
- Added support for explaining why certain features are unavailable
- Added support for saving the viewport resizing option
- Added support for the 'ping' attribute to 'Display Link Details'
- Added support for using multiple Web Developer sidebars at the same time
- Changed the JavaScript status icon when JavaScript is disabled
Improved the 'Edit CSS' feature
- Added Seamonkey support
- Added search functionality
Improved the 'Edit HTML' feature
- Added Seamonkey support
- Added search functionality
Improved the 'View Cookie Information' feature
- Added support for deleting cookies
- Added support for editing cookies
Improved the 'View Style Information' feature
- Added support for syntax highlighting
- Allowed the path to the highlighted element to be copied
- Improved the design of the output of the features
Fixed issues:
- 'View Color Information' did not display some colors correctly
- 'View Document Size' did not include alternate style sheets
- 'View Document Size' did not include objects
- 'View Document Size' did not work on pages that link directly to images and objects
- 'View JavaScript Information' did not handle GZIP encoded files properly
- 'View Source With' truncated large local files
- 'View Style Information' did not show color information in hexadecimal format
- Image features did not work correctly with images with only one dimension specified
- Memory leaks
- Optimized the code
- Various minor code fixes
Version 1.0.2
January 31, 2006-
Fixed issues:
- 'Reset All' did not work in 'Edit CSS'
- 'View CSS' and 'View JavaScript' sometimes outputted the source all on one line
- 'View Document Size' did not include imported style sheets
- View source in an external application duplicated a local file
Version 1.0.1
January 17, 2006-
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Stack Levels' showed an unreponsive script message when applied with other features
- 'View Document Size' included a repeated style sheet more than once
- Changing the sidebar font size in the options did not work
- Checking 'Do not ask for confirmation in the future' in the confirmation dialogs did not work
- CSS features did not work with style sheets linked with processing instructions
- The toolbar could not be restored if it was hidden in a previous version
- Tools did not encode ampersands correctly
- 'Outline Positioned Elements' now uses unique colors
Version 1.0
December 31, 2005-
Added the features:
- Add Cookie
- Clear All Private Data
- Convert Select Elements To Text Inputs
- Delete Path Cookies
- Disable External Site Images
- Disable Meta Redirects
- Disable Minimum Font Size
- Disable Print Styles
- Display Alt Attributes
- Display Div Order
- Display Element Information
- Display Line Guides
- Display Object Information
- Display Ruler
- Display Stack Levels
- Display Table Depth
- Display Table Information
- Display Title Attributes
- Edit HTML
- Enable Form Fields
- Make Frames Resizable
- Make Images Full Size
- Outline All Images
- Outline Background Images
- Outline External Links
- Outline Headings
- Outline Positioned Elements
- Show Hidden Elements
- Show Window Chrome
- Small Screen Rendering
- View Anchor Information
- View Color Information
- View Document Outline
- View Document Size
- View Generated Source
- View Meta Tag Information
- 'Display CSS By Media Type' now supports persisting
- 'Validate Feed' now uses the W3C validator
- 'View Image Information' now displays alt and title attributes
- Added a 'Help' link
- Added an option for hiding the informational dialogs
- Added an option to open the DOM Inspector in the sidebar
- Added an option to open the JavaScript console in the sidebar
- Added confirmation dialogs for all the permanent clearing and deleting features
- Added support for changing the generated text size
- Added support for configuring the 'Validate Local HTML' and 'Validate Local CSS' settings
- Added support for easier toggling of 'Show element names when outlining elements'
- Added support for Flock
- Added support for opening the page in another application
- Added support for retrieving file contents from the cache rather than a new request
Improved the 'Display Form Details' feature:
- Checkbox and radio button values are now displayed
Improved the 'View Form Information' feature:
- Added maxlength and size
- Added the element index
- Checkbox and radio button state are now displayed
Improved the 'View Source' feature:
- Added a menu for frames
- Added support for viewing the source in an external editor
Improved the resize features:
- Added support for wildcards which do not change that dimension in 'Custom Size'
- Added viewport options
Improved the view information results:
- Added support for disabling the tidying of the view information results
- Added support for sorting the view information result tables by column
- Removed the 'W3C Documents'
- Replaced 'Display Link Paths' feature with 'Display Link Details'
- Replaced the 'Outline Selected Element' feature with 'Outline Current Element'
- Toolbar menus now work like the Bookmarks Toolbar
- Tidied the menus
Fixed issues:
- 'Convert GETs To POSTs' did not work when a form does not specify a method
- 'Disable Images' did not work in Firefox 1.5
- 'Display CSS By Media Type' broke print preview
- 'Display CSS By Media Type' ignored stylesheets with no specified media type
- 'Display Id & Class Details' did not show id attributes for tables
- 'Display Image Dimensions' did not work with images without dimension attributes in the HTML
- 'Edit CSS' did not take the media attribute of a style sheet into account
- 'Edit CSS' polling is not disabled when the interval is set to zero
- 'Enable Auto Completion' only checked for auto completion being disabled on forms not form elements
- 'Find Broken Images' did not work properly when the cache is disabled
- 'Outline Tables' and 'Outline Table Cells' did not work with tables with border collapse turned on
- 'Validate Local HTML' did not handle character encoding correctly
- 'Validate Local HTML' froze the browser when used on a page entirely generated by document.write()
- 'View Cookie Information' did not take the cookie path into account
- 'View CSS' only displayed the first of multiple imported style sheets
- 'View Form Information' did not display image input elements
- 'View Image Information' did not display images on input elements
- 'Visited Links' toggled the link status rather than changing it
- Keyboard shortcuts could not be empty
- Keyboard shortcuts for a feature still worked when the feature was disabled
- Options dialog lost values after resetting
- Switching to an alternate style sheet was not reflected in the CSS features
- The browser position changed when resizing
- Toggling the toolbar from the keyboard shortcut behaved differently to toggling the toolbar from the 'View' menu
- Optimized the code
- Various minor code fixes
Version 0.9.4
September 12, 2005- Added Firefox 1.5 compatibility
Version 0.9.3
January 29, 2005- Added update notification support
Improved localization:
- Default 'Tools' feature descriptions are now localizable
- Options now support complex strings for languages with two byte characters
Fixed issues:
- 'Edit CSS' applied the style sheets in a different order to the page
- 'Populate Form Fields' did not work with 'Display Form Details'
- 'View Page Information' did not work on pages with frames
- 'View Style Information' did not always work the first time when opening in the sidebar
- 'Visited Links' features threw a JavaScript exception
- CSS features mistakenly picked up style sheets added by the extension
- Editing the 'Tools' in 'Options' threw a JavaScript exception
- Image file sizes did not display for images loaded from files rather than URLs
- Keyboard shortcuts were reset when a new window was opened
- Various minor code fixes
Version 0.9.2
January 2, 2005- 'View Response Headers' now displays the response code and text
Fixed issues:
- 'Display Anchors' did not display anchors specified with a name attribute
- 'Validate Local HTML' did not set the correct character encoding
- JavaScript icon did not indicate warnings or errors after the page finished loading
- Various minor code fixes
Version 0.9.1
December 19, 2004- 'Display Form Details' now displays autocomplete and enctype attributes
- 'View Image Information' now also displays the file size
- Disabling individual style sheets now allows disabling of style sheets with any media type
Fixed issues:
- 'Enable Auto Completion' was case sensitive
- 'Populate Form Fields' did not populate fields without a type attribute
- 'View Image Information' displayed duplicate images
- Disabling style sheets included from an XML processing instruction threw a JavaScript exception
- Features did not persist properly across frames
- JavaScript icon always indicated there was a warning even when there was no warning
- Saving CSS did not truncate the file
- Various minor code fixes
Version 0.9
November 21, 2004-
Added the features:
- Clear History
- Clear Radio Buttons
- Disable Cache
- Disable Default Browser Styles
- Disable Embedded Styles
- Disable Individual Style Sheet
- Disable Inline Styles
- Disable Linked Style Sheets
- Disable Popup Blocker
- Display Anchors
- Display CSS By Media Type
- Display Image File Sizes
- Hide Background Images
- Linearize Page
- Open DOM Inspector
- Outline Images With Adjusted Dimensions
- Outline Images Without Dimensions
- Outline Selected Element
- Outline Tables
- Remove Maximum Lengths
- Use Border Box Model
- View Image Information
- View JavaScript
- View Link Information
- 'Display Form Details' now displays size and maxlength for text fields
- 'Resize' feature now allows unlimited options
- 'View Cookie Information' now displays whether a cookie is secure or not
- 'View Style Information' results can now be configured to display in the sidebar.
- Added a toolbar button for Firefox to show and hide the toolbar
Added keyboard shortcuts:
- Open Java Console
- Show and hide the toolbar
- Added support for style sheets included from an XML processing instruction
- Generated tabs can now be configured to open in the background
- Improved tab support
Improved the 'Edit CSS' feature:
- CSS changes can now be stuck so that they are not lost when a new page is loaded
- Textarea colors are now configurable
- Textarea wrap can now be toggled on or off
Improved the 'Populate Form Fields' feature:
- Added checkbox, radio button and select support
- Text boxes containing 'email' in the name are now populated with an email address
- JavaScript Console can now be configured to open when there is a warning or an error on the page
- Replaced 'Validation' feature with new 'Tools' feature that allows unlimited external tools with customizable keyboard shortcuts
Fixed issues:
- 'Disable' feature did not persist
- 'Display Form Details' did not show details about form fields
- 'Edit CSS' feature did not load and unload CSS correctly in all cases
- 'Populate Form Fields' populated disabled fields
- 'View Cookie Information' feature did not work on pages with port numbers
- 'Visited Links' features threw a JavaScript exception
- Generated pages never stopped loading indicator
- Keyboard shortcut defaults conflicted with Seamonkey keyboard shortcuts
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.8
June 6, 2004-
Added the features:
- Clear Session Cookies
- Disable Image Animations
- Display Access Keys
- Display Block Size
- Display Current Size in Title
- Display Link Paths
- Display Tab Index
- Display Topographic Information
- Make Form Fields Writable
- Outline Frames
- Outline Images With Empty Alt Attributes
- Populate Form Fields
- Show Comments
- Added a Pinstripe theme and updated the Qute theme
- Added an option to hide the Web Developer Tools menu
- Added better tab and window support
- Added Firefox 1.0 compatibility
- Added localized language support
- Colors for all features that display 'tooltips' are now configurable
Improved the 'Edit CSS' feature:
- Font is now monospaced and the size is configurable
- Style sheets are now displayed in separate tabs
- Removed all unnecessary page refreshes
- Removed uninstall support as it is provided elsewhere
- Tidied the menus
Fixed issues:
- 'Validate Local CSS' feature was not working
- Opening a popup window with the toolbar in text mode crashed the browser
- Status icons became invisible with the toolbar in text mode
- Optimized the code
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.7
March 12, 2004-
Added the features:
- Add User Style Sheet
- Clear Cache
- Clear HTTP Authentication
- Edit CSS
- Disable Page Colors
- Disable Referrer Logging
- Zoom
- Added a toolbar icon to disable the extension
- Added configurable keyboard shortcut support
- Added status icons that indicate whether the page is in standards compliance mode and if there were JavaScript errors on the page
- Added uninstall support
- Colors used by the 'View Id & Class Details' feature are now configurable
- Improved options dialog
- Outlining of elements (except table cells) no longer affects the page layout
- Resize window default sizes are now configurable
- Toolbar is now hidden in popup windows
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.6.1
January 29, 2004-
Added the features:
- Disable Images
- View Form Information
- 'View Source' feature can now be configured to load in a window or a tab - loading in a tab does not load from the cache
- Added an option to hide the Web Developer context menu
- Added an option to show/hide element names when outlining
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.6
January 25, 2004-
Added the features:
- Delete Domain Cookies
- Display Image Paths
- Open Java Console
- Outline Deprecated Elements
- View Style Information
- 'Disable Styles' feature now also disables inline styles as element attributes
- 'Outline Custom Elements' feature choices are now persisted
- 'View Cookie Information' feature now displays more information including host and expiration date
- 'View Source' feature now loads from the cache - it also loads in a new window instead of a new tab in order to support this
- Added keyboard shortcuts
- Added nested frame support
- All validator URLs are now configurable in the options
- Generated pages can now be configured to open in tabs or windows
- Reinstated the Web Developer context menu
- Removed the 'View Generated Source' feature since it didn't work correctly
- Replaced 'View HTTP Headers' feature with 'View Response Headers'
- Optimized the code
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.5
December 11, 2003-
Added the features:
- Convert GETs to POSTs
- Display Image Dimensions
- Make Images Invisible
- Open JavaScript Console
- Show Passwords
- Visited Links
- Added @import support
- Added a show/hide toolbar menu option in Seamonkey
- Changed the 'Find Broken Images' feature to display in a tab instead of a dialog box
Fixed issues:
- Disabling and enabling styles activated any alternate style sheets
- Disabling or enabling cookies threw a JavaScript exception
- Displaying form details reordered the form fields
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.4
October 4, 2003-
Added the features:
- Disable Cookies
- Find Broken Images
- Outline Links Without Title Attributes
- View Generated Source
- View HTTP Headers
- View Id & Class Details
- View Page Information
- View Speed Report
- W3C Documents
- Added frame support to all the features
- Added Seamonkey support
- Changed the 'Validate Local CSS' feature to use the W3C validation service
- Removed the Web Developer context menu due to conflicts with other extensions
- Updated the toolbar icons from the new Qute theme
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.3
July 8, 2003-
Added the features:
- Outline Images Without Title Attributes
- Persist Styles
- Reset Page
- Validate Local CSS
- View CSS
- Added a Web Developer context menu
- Added support for multiple elements and colors to 'Outline Custom Elements'
- Removed the 'Meta Data Information' feature as it is already provided by 'View Page Info' in the context menu
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.2.1
June 10, 2003-
Added the features:
- Replace Images With Alt Attributes
- Fixed bug in skin install
- Moved 'View Source' feature into it's own button
- Removed large icons from the toolbar
Version 0.2
June 8, 2003-
Added the features:
- Custom Validator
- Disable Java
- Disable JavaScript
- Meta Data Information
- Outline Custom Elements
- Resize to Custom Size
- Validate Links
- Validate Local HTML
- Customizable toolbar
- Various minor codes fixes
Version 0.1
June 3, 2003-
Added the features:
- Convert POSTs to GETs
- Cookie Information
- Current Window Size
- Disable Styles
- Display Form Details
- Enable Autocompletion
- Hide Images
- Outline Block Level Elements
- Outline Images Without Alt Attributes
- Outline Table Cells
- Resize to 640x480
- Resize to 800x600
- Resize to 1024x768
- Validate CSS
- Validate HTML
- Validate Section 508 Accessibility
- Validate WAI Accessibility
- View Source