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Parcha and I

Yesterday Abby and I had to say goodbye to our 16 year old cat, Parcha. We are both pretty devastated and will have a cat shaped hole in our lives for some time. However, making this sad time a little easier has been seeing the comments from friends and family, and just how many lives were touched by one sweet, little cat.

Here are just a small selection of those comments:

Parcha was a special kitty.

Oh, Parcha—you were the baddest thug cat ever.

I haven’t seen her in forever and am missing knowing she’s still here.

That was one tough kitty and she deserved every ounce of love she got.

Oh Parcha. You were so very loved, sweet kitty.

Parcha was a non-cat person’s cat.

Best cat. (Although I’m not convinced she was actually a cat. Hardened criminal? More likely. But the best, for sure.)

Parcha was the first cat I’ve ever met that enjoyed eating tortilla chips – she had such good taste in snacks.

I feel so lucky to have been able to spend some kitty time with Miss Parcha. She was easily one of the most affectionate cats I have ever met.

I’m so sorry, but glad I knew that sassy lady with the smokey lips. She helped me transition into the crazy cat lady that I am today.

I was always in awe of how sweet she was, ever since she was a little kitty. I will miss seeing her in my visits home.

One of my favorite cats of alllll time.

My abiding memory of Parcha will be when I visited 10 years ago and she ‘greeped’ me and I freaked! She was such a canine feline.

I’ll never forget her licking the Thanksgiving turkey.

Parcha was such a fun kitty. I was always impressed with how deftly and quickly she wrapped Chris around her little paw.

I believe she’s in cat heaven in some bar, ordering a double shot, strategizing how to lift a pork chop off some angel’s plate. He’s a fucking angel, he doesn’t need that damn pork chop.

My favorite memory of Parchy was the time I was taking a bite of a cheeseburger and she came over and took a bite out of it at the same time. Also – the time she hid behind my garbage can and would reach her paw over and take trash out thinking I wouldn’t see her. She was the best and you gave her a wonderful life.

The best cat I ever knew.

Chris Pederick

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