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Post from December 17th, 2019 at 3:02pm

I released the first update for Web Developer in over two years last night, followed by a couple of quick patch releases this morning. More details to come soon in a longer blog post, but thank you to those who have sent encouragement and donations. It is greatly appreciated! πŸ™Œ

Chris Pederick


Is this part of your early retirement scheme?

@chrispederick πŸ‘ Web Developer was the first extension I heard of, and I heard incessantly from people who wanted it in Camino when I started with the project. Glad to see it’s still going πŸ‘

Honestly, if this happened every day I probably could retire early, but sadly that is not sustainable. I guess I’ll have to keep working with you for a while yet 😞

@smokey These days I feel like if you know about the extension then you are old school πŸ˜€ That’s not a pejorative…quite the opposite!

@chrispederick Like a well-aged whiskey(?) or something πŸ˜€

@chrispederick it is actually pretty critical to my work at this point. Thanks for the update!

@tiffany You’re welcome, I’m glad you find it useful!

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